Damien Lanfrey
In 2018 he co-founded Wonderful Education, an innovative startup that operates at the intersection of education and innovation. He co-designed and launched in 2019 Future Education Modena, the first EdTech hub in Italy, of which he is Vice Director.
He has been Chief Innovation Officer and Member of the Technical Secretariat of the Minister of Education, University and Research (MIUR) since 2014, co-coordinating in particular the policies for the digital innovation of the educational system (National Digital School Plan), the construction of a professional growth system for teachers and for the innovation of students’ skills (21st century skills).
He has worked for four governments and developed open government initiatives for the Department for Development and Economic Cohesion, the Institutional Reform Department and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and was a member of the first think tank for innovation at MIUR wanted by Minister Profumo between 2012 and 2013.
Member of the Scientific Committee for the Digital Agenda of Emilia Romagna and co-founder of “A Scuola di OpenCoesione”, the first data school on the monitoring of public funds. He writes and does research on the relationship between ICTs, public engagement and organizational change.
He was Research Fellow at Oxford Internet Institute, Lecturer at City University of London from 2007 to 2011 and PostDoctoral Fellow at Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Degree in Economics, Master in ICT Management and PhD in Sociology of Technologies.