Impact Dive

Impact Enterprises: sustainability and impact finance

Impact Dive

Deadline for enrollment:
28 October 2020

A focus on normative development of sustainability in the private sector and on the actual and future state of impact investing market and impact finance tools.

Where online

When 4 November 2020

Duration 1 day

Language Italian

Impact Enterprises: sustainability and impact finance


The program Impact Enterprises offers an historical view on impact finance and sustainability in order to frame and contextualize their normative evolution, then the program provides actual tools useful to generate social impact: from the B Impact Assessment for B-Corp Certification to impact finance tools (SIB, DIB e Outcome Fund) which, which subordinate the return of investment and the related remuneration to the effective realization of social impact.

For whom

For entrepreneurs and managers; for Third Sector operators; for everyone who wants to deepen legal obligations, parameters used and tools related to impact finance and to the accountability of sustainability.

Aims and methods

The aim of the program is to deepen issues related to the concept of sustainability within companies and firms, impact finance tools and the actual market of sustainable investments. Lecture and case studies.

Learning Journey With:

Other Offer