Impact Academy

Open innovation & cooperation

Impact Academy

Deadline for enrollment:
3 November 2020

Vertical, thematic focus on open innovation, cooperation, social entreprise, hybrid organizations

Where Cottino Social Impact Campus

When From 16 to 18 November 2020

Time 16 November
10.30 am - 5.30 pm CET

17 November
9 am - 5.30 pm CET

18 November
9 am - 4 pm CET

Duration 3 days

Language Italian

Key benefits

  • Possibility to share processes and experiences “in progress” with trainers and other participants;
  • Train your own aspiration to change by learning to operate between different contexts, sectors of activity and cultural matrices
  • Evening guided tour to the main places of social innovation in Turin

Open innovation & cooperation


Social impact is an important driver of organizational innovation.
The increasing “biodiversity” of business organizations – from cooperatives to B-corps, from social startups to cohesive businesses – is the result of a tension towards a positive and durable change that enable hybrid mechanisms at different levels: service and business models, governance structures and deeper organizational cultures. The course is a journey of exploration of this new generation of businesses, which is is less and less an ‘exception to the rule’ and more and more the basis of a new institutional sector, made by the convergence between a market-oriented non-profit sector on one side and “responsible capitalism” on the other.
This avangarde of a new paradigm is a result of an open approach to innovation that accept the risk to cooperate also (and above all) in troubling time like this.

For whom

For those who want to apply an open innovation approach in the current scenario and to act on the key milestones of the lifecycle of hybrid organizations focused on social impact, fulli understanding the main mechanisms that govern their functioning – for managers in the public and private sectors, social entrepreneurs, foundations and business people, and for those active in welfare and social innovation.

Aims and methods

Starting from the italian way of social entreprise as a learning practice, the aim of the course is to cover the main topics of social business – mission, planning and production, governance, markets, funding, networks and evaluation – in the “new age” of open innovation. The training will be an intensive three days of lectures, groupworks, national and international case studies.

To learn about

  • Promote and manage open innovation processes through cooperation
  • Planning and managing community led models of social entreprise
  • Governance, funding and network management in decision-making contexts which are multi-stakeholder, highly complex and rapidly changing
  • Evaluation: elements of impact evaluation and implications connected to different methods (and metrics) used

Why attend to this course

  • To decoding opportunities and risks of an openess approach into complex innovation ecosistems
  • To managing institution building processes towards of new hybrid models of entreprise
  • To experimenting planning and managementof hybrid entreprises, from the mission to the impact evaluation.

Learning Journey With:

See the Impact Cherry:
Solidarity and cooperation: pillars for open innovation

Other Offer