System thinking for social impact
The Academy wants to develop and introduce system thinking (and its specific methodology) with the general aim of guiding participants in the development of an individual social impact project.
During the Academy, the focus will be on three specific domains of cases: leadership and mitigation of social issues, ecology and sustainability, and organizational learning.
These typologies of cases will be described and interpreted through the lenses of System Thinking in order to offer ideas and inspiration, cases and strong tools to participants.
All of this will be functional to the development to the individual projects brought within the learning community that will be constituted by the class itself.
For whom
This Academy is for private and public managers that deal with systemic issues and problems, but also to Third sector operators that challenge social and cultural complexities in order to generate social impact.
Goals and methods
The Academy aims to give to participants the main tools derived from system thinking. The teaching methods are manifold: lectures, case-studies, testimonials, workshop on individual projects.