A. Robiati
A. Carpaneto
B. Castellucci

People-driven Innovation

Impact Academy/ E-Learn!

Impact Academy

Where Online

When 14 July 2020 (2 hours)
16 July 2020 (2 hours)
21 July 2020 (2 hours)

Time 16-18 CET

Language Italian

Request information

People-driven Innovation


Innovation of all kind requires not only access to specific technologies and infrastructures, financing and know-how, but it is activated by human factors: many evidences point to the fact that “without innovators there is no innovation”. This learning journey aims to bring back to the center of the debate on innovation the human capital and people, according to three perspective:
1) The characteristics of innovators (us, when we innovate, and not only the protagonists of great adventures of innovation);
2) the innovative behaviors (patterns of action, recurrent and transversal in every field, that we activate while we innovate);
3) the collective dimension of innovation (how innovation teams and innovation communities work, the real social and organizational “device” protagonist of innovation).


Startuppers of all kind, social innovators, innovation managers, public officers and decision-makers, practitioners and knowledge workers.

For whom

The aim of these three meetings is to explore the human factor at the basis of every innovative project, in order to understand its characteristics, facilitate its development, strengthen its results. The most recent scientific findings and the most advanced field practices will be presented. The teaching methodology includes lecture, case-study and self-case study, classroom training and research, and plenary debates. Participants will have access to Spiriti Innovativi [Innovative Spirits], a digital platform for the analysis of the individual innovative potential.

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