




I want to define my positioning, strengthen my leadership and strategic skills for social impact and identify the actions to follow through.

Where online and on Campus

Type of course This course is part of Impactware
Discover the courses of Impactware

Language Italian-English


1.000 € + VAT (if due).

Sponsorships are available upon request and application.
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If you are a company and you want to enroll your employees,
contact us at

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Previous editions:

14-15-20-21 May 2021
11-12-18-19 November 2021



It is the advanced module to design your own impact action, making it successful and shared within the organizations. It combines both theoretical and structural phases to define your own impact action.

How it works

  • 3 online sessions

  • Final collaborative workshop + testimonials in one full day at the Campus.

For whom

For those who want to strengthen their own leadership qualities and generate social impact through concrete individual and organizational actions.

Goals and methods

The aim is to facilitate, through a systemic approach, the definition of a structured and effective action plan enabling every participant to generate social impact in her/his own life and organization.

To learn about

  • Theory of Change 
  • System thinking for social impact 
  • Leadership qualities for social impact

Why attend to this course

  • To define an individual and organizational impact action plan 
  • To recognize leadership challenges in complex and ambiguous environments
  • To act in a transformative way on the previously defined intervention area

Learning Journey With:

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