Michele Visciola
Michele Visciòla is President and founding partner of Experientia. His core activities range from leading the growth of the company to pursuing strategic conversations with the market, by helping Experientia clients to integrate UX research insights and design deployment with the business analysis and modeling. He is personally involved in projects that deals with the following topics in a variety of industries: digital transformation of services; behavioral modeling and culture evolution implied in service innovation; behavioral economics; user-centered design and policy making. His career started as research fellow at the Italian National Research Council and focused on the digitalization of services in complex systems, like process control industries and avionics, with a specialization in human error analysis and information design. He was granted an MIT Sloan School fellowship on “International Management for the Future”, during which he designed the prototype of a Human Factors data-base of aircraft accidents and incidents centred on analysis narratives. He served as researcher in Finmeccanica and as manager at Etnoteam, and has consulted for top European industries. He has more than 10 years of teaching experience between Politecnico di Milano (“Digital culture for designers”) and Bicocca University (“Evolution of User Research Methods”), has written several scientific publications, articles and books; he is a DeTao Academy’s Master in Behavioral Modeling and Design.