Foresight Academy
Complexity, acceleration, discontinuity and uncertainty are the hallmarks of the era we live in. Never before has all this been evident. The changes are increasingly profound and sudden in every context at various levels, both in the territories and in the communities, as well as in companies, organizations and groups. The program aims to provide new skills and new leadership and management tools able to predict possible scenarios of markets, contexts and behaviors and to make decisions in the present capable of having an impact in the future.
For whom
Blended course (on campus and online) divided into:
- on-campus experiential workshops, online live workshops, lectures, micro-learning, mentorship, follow-up.
- On-campus training (48 h): 6 workshops (8 h)
- Online training (38 h): 6 workshops (3 h) + 12 lessons (1.5 h) + microlearning
Mentorship and project work challenges: experimental applications on challenges proposed by ecosystem players
For whom
Entrepreneurs, managers, professionals, people in strategic management roles – marketing, sales, innovation, IT, HR – and for people who design products and services with a high impact potential. It is also aimed at researchers and freelancers in the profit, public and non-profit sectors.
Goals and methods
The intention is to broaden the set of strategic skills and the design of roadmaps, planning and long- and short-term strategies, nourishing the innovative potential and stimulating the ability to adapt to the different possible scenarios and to the fast and unexpected changes of the era in which we live.
The path combines disciplines from many different fields, from sociology to economics, from architecture to design, from communication to marketing, without neglecting psychology. During the course, participants will train on a project work focused on a social impact challenge proposed by various companies.