Impact Dive

Innovation mindset

Impact Dive

One-day cutting-edge research on how to build and develop an innovation mindset

Where Cottino Social Impact Campus

When Summer 2021

Duration 1 day

Language Italian-English


350€ + IVA (if due).
(early bird 250€ + IVA).
Two sponsorships available.

Innovation mindset


Innovation requires not only access to specific technologies and infrastructures, financing and delivery, but it is activated by cultural factors – a mindset – involving the deepest convictions and values of the innovators themselves. This day is intended to explore the «innovative mindset» from two standpoints: 1. the construct of innovation (the sum of anthropological meanings that characterize it) 2. the innovative behavior (the set of behavioral patterns through which the culture of innovation is expressed).

For whom

For today’s and tomorrow’s innovators.

Aims and methods

Aim of this day is the exploration of the innovation mindset as a sort of «necessary intangible condition» that facilitates the acquisition of know-how, methodologies and contents necessary to implement innovation. It is thus applicable to any organizational framework in which one lives or strives to innovate. The teaching methods are manifold: lectures, case studies, personal cases e classroom research.

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