Futures and Foresight

Impact Masterclass/ Live!

6 May 2020


Impact Masterclass/ Live!

When 6 May 2020

Time 10-11.30 CET

Language Italian



Futures and Foresight


The experience of pandemic is forcing us in making contact with a “new normality” which expresses the typical traits of this time, characterized by huge transformations, more and more numerous, fast and impactful.

The variables are growing in number (population, technologies, connections, etc.) and also the gradient of complexity of various systems is growing more and more. Our reference models are no more sufficient for ruling the uncertainty.

It becomes urgent to construct new strategic and long-term prospective vision expertise by activating “anticipatory” leadership capacities, in order to explore futures scenarios and transformative innovations skills in order to generate desired futures.


The aim is to give the main and most important fundamentals about Futures Studies and Strategic Foresight, by appreciating their utility in constructing and designing desired futures scenarios.

For whom

Decision-makers, entrepreneurships, executives, managers, innovators, researchers, educators.

You will learn to…

  • Mastering fundamentals of Futures Studies and strategic foresight.
  • Growing the awareness that underlies strategic choices and innovation, in order to grasp in advance opportunities that are going to be generated.
  • Knowing the meaning of megatrends, by distinguishing them from tendencies and open transformative processes, e and the possible evolutions of the change process drivers.
  • Activating strategic thinking in order to imagine possible post-emergency futures.

Learning Journey With:

Watch the Impact Masterclass| Live! here:

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