
Impactware is the original, systemic and multidisciplinary program dedicated to social impact designed by Cottino Social Impact Campus. Just like a software is the set of languages and logical components enabling the functioning of a machine, Impactware is the set of concepts, tools and languages enabling individuals and organizations to design and build a (new) world oriented towards social impact.


Impactware is made of 4 modules, with clear and well-defined objectives:

EXPLORE: Build your Impact Vision
It offers a multi-disciplinary basic knowledge on social impact. The aim of the module is to enable you to develop an Impact Vision, a theoretical-practical horizon to structure your own path towards social impact actions.

UNDERSTAND: From Impact Vision to Impact Goals
It is devoted to realizing the Impact Vision in a personal and organizational goal through the acquisition of specific tools: from the Theory of Change (ToC) and design thinking to social impact management and evaluation, in order to define your own Impact Goal.

DEFINE: From Impact Goals to Impact Action
It is the advanced module to design your own impact action, making it effective and participated.
It combines both theoretical and structural phases to define your own impact action.

CHALLENGE: From Impact Action to Impact Transformation
This is the space for individual and organizational transformation, where you will be exposed to disruptive impact experiences which will drive you to make your action tangible in the world and in society.

How it works

For whom

Impactware is held twice a year. The Spring edition is dedicated to young professionals, neo-entrepreneurs and start-up funders; the Autumn edition is for entrepreneurs, senior managers in various company functions (CSR, Change Management, Strategy, HR), both from the profit and nonprofit world.

For those who want to play a role in creating a new vision of the world.
For leading organizations from theory to practice through the identification of a social impact path.

To learn about

Why attend to this program


The program Impact Enterprises offers an historical view on impact finance and sustainability in order to frame and contextualize their normative evolution, then the program provides actual tools useful to generate social impact: from the B Impact Assessment for B-Corp Certification to impact finance tools (SIB, DIB e Outcome Fund) which, which subordinate the return of investment and the related remuneration to the effective realization of social impact.

For whom

For entrepreneurs and managers; for Third Sector operators; for everyone who wants to deepen legal obligations, parameters used and tools related to impact finance and to the accountability of sustainability.

Aims and methods

The aim of the program is to deepen issues related to the concept of sustainability within companies and firms, impact finance tools and the actual market of sustainable investments. Lecture and case studies.

Learning Journey With:

Roberto Randazzo

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Emiliano Giovine

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Giuseppe Taffari

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Option-E, Master in Management (MiM) Specialisation, ESCP Turin Campus


The course is the first joint Program in Impact Entrepreneurship co-designed by Cottino Social Impact Campus and ESCP Turin. Participants will be involved in a 120 hours-learning journey divided into 4 modules.

1 – THINK: aims at creating the ability to think and act ‘like an entrepreneur’. Participants will explore their personal entrepreneurial selves as well as learn and experience the entrepreneurial process through art thinking and design thinking.

2 – FORMULATE: lays the foundations for effective impact entrepreneurial action. The module focuses on. successful impact frameworks, leadership skills, including storytelling for change, marketing finance.

3 – EXECUTE: focuses on the major challenges in impact entrepreneurship, from social business modelling to family business. Participants will get access to the Cottino Social Impact Campus flagship program Explore.

4 – DISCOVER: consists of an Entrepreneurial Mission that requires its participants to team up and cooperate with actors from a local entrepreneurial ecosystem.

For whom

For graduate students (Bachelor or MSc) of any discipline, for early career profiles (maximum 3 years from MSc degree).

Goals and methods

The aim of the course is to provide the tools, strategies and methods of impact entrepreneurship, making participants able to create their own social impact business and actively participate in it. The methods are manifold: lectures, case studies, testimonials, groupworks, simulations, plus an option for experiential learning, through an on-site visit to local impact entrepreneurs and social businesses.

What will I learn and be able to do?

Learning Journey With:

Elisa Ricciuti

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Alisa Sydow

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Sylvain Bureau

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Guido Palazzo

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Andrea Granelli

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The relevance of data and algorithms is on everyone’s lips. Both are among the major drivers of innovation and they acquired importance in the entrepreneurial field in the recent past. The same has not happened for social impact and frequently both institutions and firms do not pay attention to the manifold uses of data and machine learning in order to improve the world that surrounds us.


The aim of the Masterclass is to discuss:

For whom

For everyone who believe that the world of data is a key element to generate positive social impact.

You will learn to….

Learning Journey With:

Damien Lanfrey

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Donatella Solda

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Flavio Venturini

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Watch the Impact Masterclass| Live! here:


Increasingly, our world seems to expect a permanent state of positive innovation and is becoming dependent on it. What are innovations, and how do we create them? Can we plan them? Can we predict innovation successes from past histories? We will explore the role that narrative can play in innovation processes: some stories we create to make innovation happen and to make sense of it after it occurs.


To increase awareness of how narratives enable innovation and vice-versa. Foster a critical sense of innovation narratives to help make sense of different innovation types..

For whom

For leaders in organizations who want to acquire some critical perspective on innovation and its narratives in order to stimulate the process.

You will learn to…

Learning Journey With:

Damien Lanfrey

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Donatella Solda

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Flavio Venturini

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Watch the Impact Masterclass| Live! here:


Every day, we receive stimuli about the changes taking place in our society and on the hypothetical future evolutions. However, it is not so easy to define a frame for the possible scenarios for the sector in which our organizations work. This happens because the future is complex: the variables involved are growing, the ongoing transformations are faster, the effects of changes are deeper, the unexpected events with significant impact happen more often. As the COVID-19 emergency is teaching us, we need to rethink our system in a direction of higher adaptability, innovation, resilience.

That is why it becomes necessary, as well as strategic, to know the possible directions of the most important forces of change, to improve the awareness about the consequences that these forces will produce in the next years, and develop “skills of future”, suited for defining long-term bold strategies able to intercept in their own radars also phenomena that are improbable but disruptive.


1. Provide knowledge for supporting strategic decision, strengthen short-medium term planning ability and manage complexity and uncertainty.

2. Understand the meaning of megatrends, by distinguish them from tendencies and “open” processes, and learn to analyze and differentiate signals and driving forces in the external environment.

3. Develop a systemic understanding of factors that will shape our society, by exploring the implication for your own sector, and raise awareness at the basis of strategic choice in order to grasp in advance opportunities generated.

4. Learn the main methods to explore and generate possible futures, define roadmap, reconfiguring strategies and reinventing your own systems (products, services processes and organizations).

For whom

Decision-makers, entrepreneurs, executives, managers, innovators, researchers and educators.

Learning Journey With:

Filippo Barbera

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Alberto Robiati

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See the Impact Cherry:
Foundational Economy: The Infrastructure of Everyday Life

See the Impact Cherry:
Futures and Foresight


Innovation of all kind requires not only access to specific technologies and infrastructures, financing and know-how, but it is activated by human factors: many evidences point to the fact that “without innovators there is no innovation”. This learning journey aims to bring back to the center of the debate on innovation the human capital and people, according to three perspective:
1) The characteristics of innovators (us, when we innovate, and not only the protagonists of great adventures of innovation);
2) the innovative behaviors (patterns of action, recurrent and transversal in every field, that we activate while we innovate);
3) the collective dimension of innovation (how innovation teams and innovation communities work, the real social and organizational “device” protagonist of innovation).


Startuppers of all kind, social innovators, innovation managers, public officers and decision-makers, practitioners and knowledge workers.

For whom

The aim of these three meetings is to explore the human factor at the basis of every innovative project, in order to understand its characteristics, facilitate its development, strengthen its results. The most recent scientific findings and the most advanced field practices will be presented. The teaching methodology includes lecture, case-study and self-case study, classroom training and research, and plenary debates. Participants will have access to Spiriti Innovativi [Innovative Spirits], a digital platform for the analysis of the individual innovative potential.

Learning Journey With:

Filippo Barbera

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Alberto Robiati

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The Masterclass offers a look at three current issues, from a juridical perspective and more. What is the scenario of impact investing in the Italian context and what are the solutions that impact finance tools offer to respond to post emergency COVID-19 situation? Where are we with the implementing measures of Third Sector Reform and what impact have and will have the legal provisions introduced due to the health emergency? Lastly, enterprises wonder more and more about sustainability: what are the legal instruments necessary to support them in their sustainability path and what is the role of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?


The aim of this Masterclass is to provide an updated overview on the latest developments, not only in the juridical field, regarding three different – but profoundly related – issues: impact investment, sustainability and its role for enterprises, and the much-discussed Third Sector Reform.

For whom

For who works in the Third Sector, investors, entrepreneurs, practitioners.

You will learn to…

Learning Journey With:

Damien Lanfrey

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Donatella Solda

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Flavio Venturini

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Watch the Impact Masterclass| Live! here:


Boeing, Volkswagen, Wells Fargo, Fresenius, Oxfam: the recent wave of scandals shows that corporations and also nonprofit organizations systematically underestimate the human risk. In all those cases, organizations had to pay a huge price and in all those cases, problems do not relate to the decisions of a few criminals but result from systematic cultural problems and leadership failure. One of the key insights of those scandals is a recurring pattern of normal people behaving illegally in high pressure contexts. You can see it coming! Contexts can be stronger than reason and good people can do bad things without even realizing that what they do is illegal or immoral. I call this ethical blindness – the inability of decision makers to see that what they do is wrong.


Based on the state of the art in research on the psychology of unethical decision making and interpreting these recent scandals, the aim of this Masterclass is to show how leaders push their organizations to “the dark side of the force” and how they can reduce such costly risks.

For whom

For leaders in organizations who want to understand how to create a culture of integrity for their teams.

You will learn to…

Learning Journey With:

Guido Palazzo

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Watch the Impact Masterclass| Live! here:


The experience of pandemic is forcing us in making contact with a “new normality” which expresses the typical traits of this time, characterized by huge transformations, more and more numerous, fast and impactful.

The variables are growing in number (population, technologies, connections, etc.) and also the gradient of complexity of various systems is growing more and more. Our reference models are no more sufficient for ruling the uncertainty.

It becomes urgent to construct new strategic and long-term prospective vision expertise by activating “anticipatory” leadership capacities, in order to explore futures scenarios and transformative innovations skills in order to generate desired futures.


The aim is to give the main and most important fundamentals about Futures Studies and Strategic Foresight, by appreciating their utility in constructing and designing desired futures scenarios.

For whom

Decision-makers, entrepreneurships, executives, managers, innovators, researchers, educators.

You will learn to…

Learning Journey With:

Alberto Robiati

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Watch the Impact Masterclass| Live! here: